Saturday, April 17, 2010

Amsterdam! Day 1

April 9th- We are leaving for Amsterdam. Taking the train, its only 2 hrs! This is the first official trip somewhere that I haven't been yet (Paris I have been already). Germany doesn't count (well it does) but I'm going to be here for 6 months. While on the train we were occupying our time with card games, so much fun! Looking out the window it was so green and beautiful, I was so anxious to get off the train and experience Amsterdam. When getting off the train we first needed to get to our hotel. We are staying at the Marriott, because mostly all hostels were booked and the one's that weren't were going to be around the same price as splitting a Marriott room for 2 nights between 4 people. So we didn't know how to get to the Marriott. So we decided to take a taxi since Kim said it was only a 1.2 miles away. We all got in, while leaving I looked to see what the base price was and it was 12.50 euros!!!!!!!!! Ridiculous. Wow, so note to self and everyone traveling to Amsterdam, don't take a taxi, take the public transportation, its only 2.60 euros. So our first night we walked around the city center to see what was around. We were very centrally located which was great. We all went to the Holland Casino, which i only cashed in 2 euros to play with. I chose penny machines, which i think is a great strategy, to play longer and you lose less money. I found this one slot machine that was so fun and I kept winning. I ended up winning 8 euros, which I took away gaining 6 euros! Then Kim and I went to a bar, called Pirates Bar. It was so much fun, I bought a Heineken beer for 2.70 euros, with my winning money. While sitting at the bar, the bartenders kept giving us free drinks! It was great, along with great music and great company. So walking out of the bar I only spent 2.70 euros. Kim and I were trying to give the bartenders tips because they gave us these free drinks, but they didn't accept it. They were like, " Welcome to Amsterdam!"

1 comment:

  1. There were also urinals in the middle of the city center for guys to pee in. They just walk up and pee. At first I thought they were making phone calls, but then I wondered where the phone was and where were there hands, haha.
